How to Clean and Care For a Bamboo Toothbrush

2024-04-24 17:18

To clean and sanitize your bamboo toothbrush, leave the bristles in an antibacterial mouthwash for 10-15 minutes. Although over-exposure to mouthwash can damage your toothbrush's bristles, a short dip is fine.

You can also clean and sanitize your bamboo toothbrush with a trusted combination of water, vinegar and baking soda. Work the brush through the solution and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then give it a thorough rinse (and dry).

Make sure to rinse, remove excess water and store your bamboo toothbrush in an airy container after each use. More on that below. 

How to Stop a Bamboo Toothbrush Going Mouldy

For all their benefits, bamboo toothbrushes do have one flaw: mould. Bamboo toothbrushes are more likely to harbour mould than plastic ones — but don't let that put you off.

Bamboo is a naturally porous material, which means it holds on to moisture for a long time. To stop your bamboo toothbrush from growing mould,

1. Rinse the bristles after use to remove food debris and excess toothpaste.

2. Use a clean towel to remove excess water from your toothbrush bristles and handle after each use.

3. Store your toothbrush upright in a container that has drainage holes and encourages airflow. But we recommend not to use a cup - any drips will collect in the bottom of the cup and build up every day, which is a little bit gross and won't do your brush any good over the weeks or months.

Our own bambootoothbrush holders are designed to hold your bamboo toothbrush loosely upright so it can air dry and drips can drain away, while keeping the bristles clean and hygienic.

bamboo toothbrush

When You Should Replace Your Bamboo Toothbrush

In line with dentist's general recommendations, you should replace your bamboo toothbrush every 2-3 months. This means you should go through one bamboo toothbrush at least every three months, and at least 4 in a year. Between a group of four, this would equate to around 16 bamboo toothbrushes a year — each of which reduces plastic waste.

You should replace your toothbrush earlier if the bristles have worn down, if it has grown mould or if you have been unwell.

Keep in mind that there might be more life in your bamboo toothbrush left yet, though! Use an upcycled bamboo toothbrush to clean, dust and scrub it's great for getting dirt and grime out of hard-to-reach places around your home. Alternatively, you can use it to fuel a fireplace or for your arts and crafts projects the options are endless! Discover other alternative uses for your old bamboo toothbrush here. 

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