Bamboo products: Move towards sustainable living

2024-04-18 15:57

But can the earth be restored? Or can we atleast stop further environmental depletion? Is it possible?

Well, the first thing to do is to accept that we all individually and jointly have contributed to the decline in our planet’s health. But if we all act immediately and smartly, we can definitely mitigate and reduce the harrowing effects of our actions - pollution and climate change. Simply by changing our lifestyle to a more sustainable one, we can contribute towards a massive environmental change.

Undoubtedly, to save the earth from climate change and biodiversity loss, we all need to act individually and jointly. As communities, we must lead more socially responsible and eco-friendly lives. When people started understanding the threat plastics were causing, they started inclining towards wooden alternatives. But even that is not advisable, as the demand for hardwoods started causing deforestation, in turn harming our planet.

Bamboo is the best sustainable option to overcome environmental issues and help heal our planet. Switching to a bamboo products-based sustainable lifestyle is the easiest eco-friendly decision all of us can take. 

What makes bamboo sustainable?

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant that can work as a magical substitute for many of our plastic-based daily-use products. Bamboo plants thrive in tropical and high-temperature environments, which makes it one of the most easily available versatile natural materials. 

Here are a few reasons why bamboo is considered a sustainable and eco-friendly product:

Bamboo is actually a grass-that grows to maturity in nearly 3- 5 years, depending on its species’ characteristics. It is the world's fastest-growing plant and doesn't require any precious resources (like water) in abundance. When the bamboo plant is mature, it is harvested by cutting from the stalk base, from which it will regrow. Bamboo tends to regrow by itself, so it doesn't need to be replanted after harvesting.


Bamboo is the best alternative to plastics as it is 100% biodegradable and natural:

1. It is also entirely compostable and does not leave any carbon footprint. Therefore it is purely non-toxic, and humans can use it in any form. In fact, some Asian nations use bamboo shoots in their food.

Its versatility helps make many products out of it, from clothing, bedding and decor products to furniture, personal hygiene products, and even for building houses.

2. It is highly robust, and its miraculous strength stays unshaken even after bamboo is converted into a product. Bamboo has a tensile strength of 28,000lbs which is higher than that of steel. It has incredible durability - processed bamboo can last anywhere between 80-100 years. Generally, bamboo products are low maintenance and don't require any special attention. There is a lower risk of wear and tear in bamboo products. 

3. Bamboo is one of the highest carbon sequestering plants on our planet. It can absorb five times more carbon than other trees, and at the same time, it produces thirty-five per cent more oxygen. An average oxygen emitted by a bamboo plant is 320kg per year. One hectare of bamboo plantation can absorb up to 200 tonnes of CO₂in a year. Bamboo is highly pest resistant. It requires little to nil chemicals or pesticides to foster its growth or safeguard it from fungus and bacteria. Most bamboo products are naturally antifungal and antibacterial.

4. Bamboo can be grown in almost every part of the world and is available in abundance. Even when harvested, it grows by itself  within five years, unlike other hardwoods, which need 20-50 years to re-grow.  


How to plan a sustainable life with bamboo products? 

Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used to make any type of product. Bamboo as a raw or processed material is used in a wide range of products, including construction of road and buildings, making of medicine, food, furniture, utensils, decor items and other household items.


While it is challenging for many of us to let go of our disposable consumption habits and switch overnight to a sustainable lifestyle, we need to gradually plan our transition into an eco-friendly or sustainable way of life and adopt products made out of natural materials such as bamboo. 

bamboo product

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